With Christmas and the New Year all behind us now most of will have or are returning to work and next week the kids are back at school. For some, this is the time that we revert to the old habits of sitting more and moving less ……but we don’t have too.

When on holidays it’s easy to get up and get moving. Many of us spend our days playing sports outside with our family and friends, shopping, spending time at the beach and doing a lot around the house, gardening, renovating, upkeep on the family home. For some, when we head back to work (or back to normality!) we automatically slip back into moving less and sitting more. Just because we’re back at work and school doesn’t mean we need to revert back to sitting more and moving less – make this the year to sit less and move more.

There are so many benefits to sitting less and moving more, whether for you, it be preventing unhealthy weight gain, reducing risks of cardiovascular disease or just merely wanting to feel more energized throughout the day, you’ll feel so much better sitting less and moving more.

There are some activities we have to do during the day that involve sitting – eating, travelling, working, school work but the key is to find a healthy balance. Whether you are at home, at work or travelling, look for ways to sit less and move more. Stand and eat you lunch, go for a walk whilst having a meeting with a colleague, stand on the train instead of sitting. I’m not by any means saying you should never sit again, however I am asking you to be aware of your sitting time. The Heart Foundation have some great tips to reduce your sitting time. There is detailed information on why adults and children should sit less, sets out recommended limits for sitting and has some great suggestions on how to encourage children and young people to sit less and move more.

Commit to sitting less and moving more this year – you’ll reap the benefits and feel more energized for it.

Written by Tracey Bryans