The effect of employee attitude on injury rates is well recognised across all industries. As therapists, we always prefer to treat the cause of a problem rather than continually battling the symptoms.
Behavioural Coaching packages work on strategies to promote a safe and responsible approach to work throughout your organisation. Rather than purely looking at movement, we explore employees’ motivations for their actions, promoting positive safety behaviour.
The culture of an organisation is the force that drives behaviour, and while cultural change within an organisation is a challenging undertaking, it is by no means impossible. By following the age-old philosophy of “every journey begins with a single step”, behavioural coaching programs offer the opportunity to change organisational culture from within.
Whether it is up-skilling line managers to be able to provide effective coaching to the employees they supervise, or Peer-to-Peer coaching programs that encourage individuals within work teams to take on the role of encouraging and coaching their workmates around issues of safety, behavioural coaching programs can be the catalyst for organisational behavioural change.