Project Description

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)
  • Certificate in Acupuncture
  • Certificate in Trigger Point Therapy
  • Sports Level One

Since graduating from University of South Australia in 1996 with a degree in Physiotherapy, Cathy has worked concurrently in private practice and as an orthopaedic inpatient physio at Flinders Private Hospital.  The combination of these two areas of physio work has helped Cathy to develop specialised understanding of post-surgical rehabilitation and progression from severe acute trauma, to return to normal function.  Muscle release and trigger point study early in her career followed by dry needling and acupuncture training has formed the basis for her clinical treatment approach as has her understanding of the spectrum of rehabilitative exercise. A mother of two, Cathy has first hand experience of the stresses on a spine during pregnancy and parenthood and has worked with a wide range of clients from elite athletes to the very elderly and those with chronic pain.

Cathy Ireland