Medico Legal Assessments
Smart Health offers a variety of Medico Legal assessments, including Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE), Independent Physiotherapy Assessments (IPA) and Worksite Assessments. These assessments rely on experienced therapists spending sufficient time with a client to gain a balanced, objective view of that client’s function. Our reporting is written in easy-to-read, plain English, to allow all of those involved in a client’s management to use the results of the assessment, to improve outcomes for their client. These assessments are vital in directing appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and return-to-work.
The effectiveness and power of these assessments is directly linked to the expertise and experience of the assessing therapist. Across the Smart Health team, we have a passionate group of well-respected therapists, who draw referrals from a vast variety of referrers who recognise the value of our expertise to their client.
Smart Health’s physiotherapists, profiled below, have decades of experience in functional client assessment. Our therapists possess the skills required to provide timely, accurate, objective assessments for any client.
Make an Enquiry
For any enquiries regarding Medico Legal Assessments or Independent Client Assessments, feel free to contact our Business Director Michelle Goodfellow at our clinic on 8293 1100, or via email at and we would be happy to answer them.
Medico Legal Forms
Authority to release obtain information
Referral Form