Project Description

  • Masters of Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement and Health Studies)
  • Diploma of Pilates Instruction
  • Neuromuscular Dry Needling

Simone graduated from the University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Applied Science in 2009.  She then went on to complete her Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction through Polestar Australia in 2011.   In 2013 Simone graduated with her Masters in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia.

Simone’s assessment and management of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems is incorporated with her passion for exercise therapy and Pilates resulting in the comprehensive management of each clients pain and faulty movement strategies.

Simone has a strong belief in the benefits of working within a multidisciplinary team and happily refers to like-minded health care practitioners.

Simone Chehade