Heija SMART family,

As some of you may be aware, 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for me. After a lot of planning and organizing, we are finally putting our plan into action and will spend 12 months back in Germany. We have always dreamed of doing this and are super excited to finally pull it off.

We will be heading off in late June 2023 to spend 9 months with my family in and around my hometown,  Hermannsburg, in the north of Germany. The kids will be attending my old primary school, getting an insight into their cultural background, hanging out with their cousins and perfecting their German language skills. Whilst I will not be working as a physio in Germany, I may take the opportunity to do some training or do something completely different. I have always wanted to work in an ice cream shop 😉.

After the nine months at home, we will spend three months exploring Europe before returning to Adelaide and Smart Health in July 2024.

Naturally, I will ensure all patients are handed over to one of our other fabulous practitioners who will look after you while I am away.

I look forward to seeing many of you before I leave and continue to brainstorm all the possibilities of what I might get up to over the nine months at home.
