Worksite assessments in an industrial setting are an essential ingredient in managing and mitigating risk.  In an pre-emptive context, our physiotherapists can provide the ergonomic input into production, to ensure that operators are well-protected from common industrial injuries.  Recommendations can range from a change in technique, to a change in production systems, to adjustment of the production process.  In all cases, our physiotherapists are aware that finding cost-effective ways of looking after employees is the number one priority of any good business.

In the event that an employee does experience symptoms while performing their normal tasks, assessment of their role is crucial, to identify any movement or process that might have contributed to their symptoms. This is an essential part of best-practice Early Intervention, to ensure that the worksite is safe for other employees, and to assist an injured employee in making a successful return to work.

Industrial Worksite Assessment Practitioners

Mark Johnston
Nick Ireland


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